Events Calendar - Month View
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Join master woodworker and GN member Jim Allen for a tour of his impressive workshop. Learn about his artistry, view his many fine pieces of furniture and his works in progress. If other woodworkers are interested, Jim will stay connected through mutual interests and development of new projects. Coffee and bagels will be served. Limit of 15. Groton Neighbor members only.
Our book discussion selection for January will be James, Percival Everett’s reimagining of Mark Twain’s classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which our group read in October. James has remained solidly on best-seller lists for several weeks and just recently received the 2024 National Book Award for fiction. Praised by some, criticized by others, James has the potential to spark lively discussion. Come and let us hear your opinion. David Smith will be facilitating.
Please join Diane Hewitt and Pat Hartvigsen for an informal, weekday lunch. Hearty winter soups, bread, cheese, and dessert will be provided. Enjoy the company of new neighbors and old friends. Limit of 10.